Did you know that by simply sharing Square Takeoff with your friends and fellow colleagues, you could earn a 20% commission when they subscribe?
Here at Square Takeoff we understand that nobody can share the value of our product better than our customers can. We understand the importance of the referrals our customers send us and because of that, we would like to provide you with a thank you for sharing our product.
For every client that is referred to us and decides to subscribe to our program we will pay a 20% commission on that lead for every month they are subscribed to our service for up to one full year from the date of the referral.
Here are just a few benefits you receive as a Referral Partner:
- 20% commission on all software sales generated from your leads.
- We provide you with a custom referral code and portal that allows you to track your leads and commissions.
- We will handle all sales and support
- Monthly payout
- Free banner ads, e-mail templates, hyperlinks, etc.
How it works in 3 easy steps:
Simply visit https://squaretakeoff.comreferral-program/ and fill out the online form.
1: After completing the Referral Partner Application, one of our program associates will contact you to setup a Partner On-boarding meeting and help you get started on your road to your first commission check.
2: From there it is as easy as handing out marketing material, sending emails or just simply talking with your friends or colleagues about the benefits of using Square Takeoff. Then have them sign up using your referral link.
3: You then earn 20% of the total value of their subscription for up to 1 year as long as they are subscribed to Square Takeoff.
So why not team up with Square Takeoff and make some extra cash today?
Never took Square Takeoff for a spin? Then today is the day. Visit https://squaretakeoff.comsignup/ to start you free 14-day trial.